Monday, January 4, 2010

Old Year .... New Year.... Yea... And?

So here we are at the beginning of a new year.... Out with the old, in with the new... But Why? Is it really that big of a deal? Its not a new year, its just the next day, that's all, Right?

I don't know. I think that New Year's Eve is just an excuse for people to get shit faced... I call it Amateur night... I try to stay off the roads if possible, and if I do drive, I make sure to stay local and have (or be) a designated driver... DWI just isn't worth it to me... too much to lose if I get a DWI!

So why do people feel compelled to make Resolutions just because the year on the calendar increments up one? I get the whole "trying to make yourself a better person" and all, but why do you have to wait until January first to start? Example: Guy in the Cubicle next me said his Resolution was to quit smoking for the new year, his quit date is January 15... He told me this in late November!!! Having quit smoking 15 months ago, I understand the difficulty in quitting the habit, but this guy has already had 2 heart attacks like 5 years ago and he is still smoking now... we'll see what happens come the 15th...

So after reading My Bonnaroo friend Jen's Blog, I realized that I do the same thing as her! I don't really make resolutions but rather reflect on the past year and realize what I have learned and what I can get out of that... What did I learn this year... Sorry to disappoint, most of what I learned can't be aired out in a blog just because of the Nature of the topic... What are you thinking!?!? No, I didn't learn some new sexual position!...

The stuff that I can talk about:

(A) I learned that in the near future, I will no longer be able to live in New Jersey. I blame Obama, but don't ask me to elaborate cuz I don't want to get into it... we'll leave it at this: one of Obama's plans to help the people really Fucked me over and now, even though I would be considered Middle Class because of how much money I make, I am Broke as Hell!!! And tied into all this, I learned that I am more of a Republican than a democrat even though I Really has political views on both sides.

(B) I learned that Music is what I really want to do as a Job... I've said this before, but I've been doing an Online radio show {(ChrisMek Radio at wednesday night from 8 to 11) <-- nothing like shameless promoting!!!} and Have been having so much fun doing it... I've met some really cool people in the business and some real assholes. Now I don't really want to be a Rock Star, even though that would be cool, I'm thinking more like a Concert promoter, or something along those lines... Looking to the future, I plan on making some contacts and really try to break into the industry, somehow... problem is I get lazy, nervous, and then I don't know how to do it.. Gotta press on.

(C) Another thing I learned, Is that my wife is totally on board with me and all my decisions (well, mostly)... I used to always remind her of my plans because I always thought she wasn't paying attention or she would forget... then she would get pissed at me... I realized this one day when I mentioned Bonnaroo in passing... then, months later she was the one that brought up going again in 2010... She totally knows that I want to go every year until I die! ... Bonnaroo is the place where I had a moment of clarity that changed my life the first year I went... sounds fucked up, but I can't really explain it... It happened again in 2009... I look forward to Bonnaroo 2010 and my wife knows it.. maybe that's not such a great example, but there are so many other ideas I have presented to her that most people might be like "You're fuckin' Crazy!" and she is like "Go for it!"

Anyway, There are tons more things but Maybe I'll vent about them in the future! But For now, Happy New year...

I just proof-read and while reading realized why I seem so grumpy about New Year... The 2 year anniversary of My Mom's death is January 27th... So I associate the month of January with "Bad Memories" ... there's something I can work on for 2010.

Peace! and Once again, Happy New Year