Saturday, December 20, 2008

Not very active here

I've not been very active here... Mostly because the wife has been rather sick for a while and at work I've been working in the test department so have been away from my desk.

Tomorrow is Katie's birthday. She'll be 9... Holy Shit, where did the last 9 years go?

The weight issue:

I've decided to not even worry about my gained weight until after the holidays. I figure it this way... I just quit smoking like 80 days ago and am still not out of the woods with that. I figure in January I will address the extra weight I've gained. Besides, what's worse, Smoking a pack a day, or an extra 15 or 20 pounds.

1 comment:

honkeie said...

Hope the wife is doing better, happy birthday to the little one and big achievements dont happen over night. Congrats on the no smoking, and work on the weight next week.