Friday, November 14, 2008

Almond Butter

Almond Butter, originally uploaded by chrismek.

So after staying home from work today, I am feeling much better. I even went to the food store to pick up a few thing. While I was there, I came across this jar of Almond Butter. Look at the price! $10.59 for a standard size jar! I can get the size jar of peanut butter for like $3.29. I feel bad for the people that are allergic to peanuts and have no choice but to buy this stuff!

Which brings me to another thing. We recently found out that my wife is allergic to Wheat. I never realized how popular wheat is as an ingredient. And the alternative is rice flour, corn flour and all sorts of other kinds of flour. and they are all like double the price of regular wheat flour! Highway robbery. I have no choice but to buy this stufff at 2 and 3 times the price of the regular stuff.

Anything for my honey though!

1 comment:

honkeie said...

Yes, if the woman wants the woman gets.....its called keeping my sanity